Friday, May 3, 2013

Mango-Banana Smoothie

Posted by Unknown On Friday, May 03, 2013 No comments

Its been a while since I've made a smoothie here at home. I usually order them when I have the time (and the money) at the malls when I feel like it. We recently had a blender when dad transferred back here, so I'm making use of it while we still can.

I've always believe that fruits are essential during breakfast because it gives us additional boost of vitamins and minerals for a day's work. So voila! Today, I decided to have a homemade mango-banana smoothie, the healthy way.

Mangoes have always been my favorite smoothie flavor. I like the sweet-slightly-sour taste. Plus its a rich source of vitamin c, folate and vitamin B-complex.

Bananas, on the other hand, are bananas. They're rich in potassium (common knowledge),vitamin B6 magnesium and other vitamins and minerals. A single banana would give you a boost in energy before an exercise and perfect for muscle relaxation after an exercise (please research about this. I may be wrong).

So bring them both together, put in a blender, add some crushed ice and you get your smoothie. HEALTHY!

serves 1 or 2 (depending on glass size)
2 pcs Banana
1 whole Mango
crushed ice

non-fat milk / soy milk

Place all ingredient in a blender and puree until desired texture. Serve immediately.

I like my smoothie "raw". No additional ingredients. Sometimes, if I feel like having a foamy smoothie, I add a half a cup of non fat milk. Sugar is personal preference. I don't like sugar in my smoothie even when I order a smoothie from a commercial stall. Mine's 100% all natural sugar-free smoothie. ENJOY!

Here are some health benefits for smoothies: PerfectSmoothie


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