I used to hate travels because I don't want to sit or stay in just one place for a very long time. Blame it on ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder, for those who doesn't know). But recently, I've discovered the fun of it. Especially when you're doing it with friends and family. You get to appreciate new worlds outside your comfort zone and appreciating different cultures aside from which you've accustomed to.

They say when you travel, you discover so many things, so many wonders and most of all, you get to discover something great in you. I don't know why, but yeah. I have to agree. I guess it's because you get to learn different things every time you travel. You discover something new. And sometimes, revisit something old.

Now I have a different definition of 'cant stay in one place' because I want to move to different places. I want to travel. I want to discover the world.

Here are a few of my travels:


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