Friday, April 26, 2013

Panda Sunglasses

Posted by Unknown On Friday, April 26, 2013 2 comments

I was searching for sunglasses on the internet when I stumbled upon these really cool sunglasses. It caught my eye because of the frames wood-like style. Very unique compared to the metal and plastic frames we use to have. When I clicked on the image, I found out that these wood-like styled sunglasses are made up of eco-friendly materials (recycled polycarbonate and bamboo). How cool is that?

I checked out their website and they have lots of styles which would suit the shape of your face (they have a fit guide on their website). Personally, among all the styles, I like their newest pair which is the Jackson - Brown (photo above). It looks perfect for summer.

Value wise, its a little bit pricey (P6,000 a pair) for a typical Filipino, but hey! Sunglasses are always good investments. For a price like that, you'd be sure that the quality of the lens would be higher, protecting your eyes from harmful UV rays. Plus, when you buy a pair, portion of the money you'll be paying will go to TOMA Foundation (got that info from their website) which help fund give sight to people -"For every pair you purchase, the PANDA-TOMA partnership will provide an eye or medical exam to a person in need. We will also donate a pair of prescription glasses or sunglasses (for those with cataracts or a similar type of eye deficiency)."
Its like TOMS shoes! Not only will you look cool and have great protection for your eyes, you'll also be able to help out others! That's a few points addition to your social responsibility. ;) So what are you waiting for? Grab your own pair of PANDA SUNGLASSES now!

To get a pair, visit their website:


  1. Replies
    1. Hi Roel, are you still interested to buy the panda sunglasses. I have here Natural color panda sunglasses. I can give you 25% discount. Don't worry it's original. I won it in a raffle.


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