Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Gelatissimo: LIMONCELLO

Posted by Unknown On Wednesday, April 09, 2014 No comments
With the summer heat blazing, I could only think of a few things to cool down. One would be taking a cold bath. Second would definitely be Ice Cream.

Ice cream is everyone's (well, majority) comfort food. There's something in ice cream that make us happy when we're sad, make us even happier when we're happy. It enhances the happy hormones. And its also one of the best things that beat the heat during summer (in our case in the Philippines, the dry season). Right now, I'm feeling the heat and all I could think about is Gelatissimo's Limoncello flavored ice cream.

'Summer in Positano'
image from

I was strolling along the north wing of SM Cebu when I saw Gelatissimo's ad. And knowing me I'm a sucker for ice cream so even if I don't have enough money or even if i'm not hungry, if it's ice cream then I have to get it by all means necessary. I was intrigued with their 'Summer in Positano' ad plus the idea that you get a free beach ball when you spend a certain amount, skipped the beach ball even though I wanted to get it. I don't have any use for it.

Looking through the glass, they have a wide array of flavors to choose from. Everything was good for me. But what really caught my attention was the LIMONCELLO flavor. I've heard about it (limoncello) from National Geographic People when they featured it on one of the cooking shows. According to the show, Limoncello is an Italian alcoholic beverage made up of one of the most expensive kind of lemon in Italy. The lemon is different from the lemon that we know because the lemon used in Limoncello is sweet with a little sour in it. So I ordered a single scoop of limoncello flavored ice cream.

Gelatissimo's Limoncello Ice Cream
The Real Taste of Italia

I know in my heart and in my mind (even my taste buds know) that this was going to be good. But I wasn't prepared when I took the first bite of the ice cream. It was like 'sex in my mouth' or to exaggerate more, it was like the 'creation of the universe' in my mouth. The first taste was piquant. A combination of sweet and then the lemon zing takes over, you'd want more. Every bite was orgasmic. Each bite would bring you to Italy, enjoying a glass of ice cold lemonade while basking under the sun. It really gives you the summer feel. At this point, I'm imagining eating it again. I consumed the whole thing in 3 to 5 minutes. I really enjoyed the experience.

If you love tangy flavors, well, the 'Summer in Positano' selection is really for you. You'd enjoy it. Go to your nearest Gelatissimo branch now.

Unfortunately, for us Davaoenos, we don't have Gelatissimo. Yet! And I don't know if anyone has actual plans on bringing the brand here so Davaoenos can also enjoy the great flavors this Italian ice cream brand can offer.

For more info, visit Gelatissimo Philippines Website

Buon Appetito!


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