Monday, April 29, 2013

Big Time Burgers at Minute Burgers

Posted by Unknown On Monday, April 29, 2013 No comments

I'm a really huge fan of burgers. They are so yummy and very filling. Minute Burger has been serving people burgers way back when. I could remember back then my uncle treating me to one of the local Minute Burger joints. From back then to now, they've really went up a few notches. Minute Burger was just a slab of meat on burger buns added with some ketchup-mayo tandem. But now, they have these so-called BIG TIME BURGERS.

I've heard about it during finals at freshmen med school, but took me another month to visit the nearest joint just to try one of these new burgers. Being a burger junkie, I have specifications and standards for burgers, especially now that different classy, branded burger restaurants are emerging here in the city. 

For now, I've only tasted the BLACK PEPPER BURGER since according to the man selling the burger, its their best seller, even though the BACON CHEESEBURGER looks more appetizing for me.

When I got my burger, I was impressed because their packaging improved. My very last burger from Minute Burger which was a few years ago, was served in a typical burger cellophane. Now, it comes in a very cool black box! Very impressive!

When I opened the box, I kind of expected the same look on their posters, unfortunately, it fell short big time. The buns were not hot nor warm which I didn't like. I really don't like hard bread. Makes me think it's a few days old. The onions looked mushy because they were pre-cooked and the mushrooms looked unappetizing. The patties were soggy which was a really huge turn off. And to add insult to injury, the burger was swimming with this black sauce. I was expecting the sauce to be equally spread on the bun, just like the old times; ketchup-mayo spread evenly on the bun. The sauce was too much. But you don't expect restaurant styling/dishing on a P50 buy-one-take-one burger, do you?

Personally, taste wise, its only OK for me. You get the worth of your P50.  I like the sweet and spiciness of the sauce. I can't taste the onions, though. Its not the same as those burgers you get from Army Navy, Burger King, Gino's Boom Burger (Local) and Backyard Burger (Local), but for only P50 and its buy-1-take-1, you can't really complain.
Personally, i'd rate it a 6 out of 10. A little more improvement, maybe (just maybe) they could be at par with the leading burger joints in the city, but who know maybe in the country. If that happens then I guess we'll expect increase in price but of course better quality burgers. 
For a quick burger fix, you could deal with a buy-one-take-one at the nearest Minute Burger joint in your area, especially if you reside far from the malls or food strips.

Next time, I'll try the BACON CHEESEBURGER. This entry makes me hungry at 3am!

For more details on Minute Burger, visit their facebook page:

For some reason, I couldn't access their website:


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