Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Canigao Island, Matalom Leyte

Posted by Unknown On Tuesday, April 15, 2014 No comments

Part of our Ormoc adventure was to go to Canigao Island. Well, the initial plan was at Kalanggaman beach resort but because of budget constraint, we decided to go to Canigao Island. Canigao Island was unknown to me until the day that we went there. The island is near the municipality of Matalom, Leyte.

We made a quick stop at some town for our lunch. We had Chickenjoy from Jollibee and we went straight to Matalom. The whole trip was approximately about 2 hours (R is really a crazy fast driver. Don't follow her example. Hahahaha!) from Ormoc so it really was a long drive. We got to Itum, Matalom, Leyte where we will rent a boat to bring us to the island. It took us a few minutes before we found the boat that will bring us to the island.

To Canigao Island
We had the boat to ourselves on the way to the island. We payed 600 pesos for it. A little bit too much but its bringing you back and forth the island. If there were some other group we could have split the 600 pesos. So either travel with lots of money or travel with lots of buddies. The trip from Itum to Canigao takes around 10 to 15 minutes depending on where you departed. Itum has lots of boats to take you to the island. Some near, well some a little bit farther. So travel time varies.

Arriving at the island, you really can't help but be amazed at how wonderful the beach is. The white sand are so fine. It's like Boracay minus the crowd and the busy community. The island is quiet. There's no security so please be mindful of your belongings. We took turns watching our things. There are some cottages where you can stay. As far as I can remember, I think a cottage costs around 500 pesos. Too expensive so we opted to rent a table and some chairs for a much cheaper price. 

White, Blue and Blu-er!
After setting up, we ate lunch and then we chill. W and F went to explore the island and took pictures of themselves and the beach. R decided to rest. I on the other hand, went to the shore to feel the heat of the sun and coolness of the water. It was wonderful. The water was crystal clear. But there's a lot of rocks, so you better bring your water footwear. The current was strong and the water was deep. It was perfect. 

My Attempt of a Bruce Lee Flying Kick -- FAILED! MISERABLY!

Some R and R on the fine white sand beach

We ended the day with a lot of pictures, a.k.a. the jump shots and the "groufies" (selfie with the group). Bad thing about the island was there was no electricity and the changing room and bathroom seemed like it wasn't cleaned for so long. But the bad things can never outweigh the good things, right?

For those who'd like to know, you can rent tents for overnight use for a certain amount. Just look for it on the internet.

Priceless View -- MAGNIFICO!
Finally, to cap the day, as we traveled back to Itum, Matalom, we saw the most wonderful sunset. As I've said on my instagram, Matalom, Leyte is lucky to have one priceless view every day as the sun sets. It was a wonderful experience. I would love to bring some more friends to this place next time because I also want them to experience the wonderful that is Canigao Island.


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