Monday, April 22, 2013

Cliff Diving at Canibad, SAMAL ISLAND

Posted by Unknown On Monday, April 22, 2013 No comments

What's the best way to enjoy summer (especially right after a hectic, stressful year of medical school)? BEACH!
A friend posted a picture on facebook about a cliff diving site somewhere in Canibad. I've never been to Canibad before, so I wanted to check it out and my friend really wanted to try the cliff diving. So right after the exams and before the whole barkada goes home to their respective provinces, we decided to try and check out Canibad.
Tell you, going to Canibad wasn't easy. We had to ask locals for directions and we have to go through narrow, rocky, bumpy road and a very long step of stairs down to reach a place they call, The Secret Paradise Resort. All in all, the travel from Davao to Canibad was around 1hr 45min to 2hrs max.

But the trip was all worth it. When we got there, it was really like paradise. White sand. Crystal clear blue water. Can't complain. And the cliff that we went there for, AMAZING!
We had lunch for a while and then rewarded ourselves a deserving dip in the blue water before we went climbing the cliff for the jump.

Photo: The guy in red going up is me.

The climb wasn't a breeze. The cliff was somewhat a rock formation combination of limestone and corals so the path was really spiky. Foot protection is a must here.The climb, like the way to get to Canibad, is worth it, because when you get to the cliff, you'll see the clear skyblue color of the water from above. The cliff is about 10 meter high or maybe even more from the surface of the water, while the water below is about 20ft or more.


Photo: The Dive courtesy of Al M., my friend

From the shore, the cliff looks very close to the water which makes it really exciting but when you get to the cliff and look down, you'd have second thoughts. Unfortunately, once you go up the cliff, there's no turning back. Its much easier to climb up, but not so easy going back.So the only way to get off that cliff is to JUMP or for my friend to dive head down first.
All in all, the trip was all worth it. Very fulfilling especially when you get to jump from the cliff a few times.
For those who want to try or want to go to his place, no need for reservations. They have huts in cases of overnight stays but personally, i prefer tents. Feel that nature there! For food, well, they only have a mini mart that sell sodas, beers, cigarettes and junk food, so if you want a scrumptious meal, bring your own. They do have a grilling area at the back so people can grill if they have meat or fish. No need to bring coolers of some sort, they have ice available. The cooler will only make your life miserable when you go down and go up to and from the secret paradise.

Photo: (L-R back) Monika, Alexa, Reena, Dyessa, Venette, Ericka, (front) Me, Ricky, Al

Kyle Jarabelo Signature


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