Monday, September 12, 2016

Receiving money from older relatives....

Posted by Unknown On Monday, September 12, 2016 No comments
Filipinos are known to be generous to their families and relatives. Its a big deal for us. In fiestas, Filipinos spend money to let people (relatives, friends, friend of friends and even strangers) eat at their home as thanksgiving for a certain something -- bountiful year, a year full of blessings, etc. Parents and grandparents giving money to their children and grandchildren. Even titos and titas give money to their nieces and nephews.

My question is, when should it stop? Or should it stop?

Back when I was younger, coming home or seeing relatives is a very exciting time. Especially when family who came from a foreign country decides to come home and visit. Its because, everyday we celebrate. We prepare really good food all day, everyday. Its fun because we don't have those on normal days. Gatherings are special occasions in the Filipino household. And then when its time to leave, parents, grandparents, titos and titas starts doling out money to everyone. They call it 'pabaon'.
Back then, its exciting because you have money to spend on things you want or just a huge addition to your savings. I was always excited for that.
But recently, now that I'm 26, not that I'm complaining, every time a relative calls me and hands me money and tells me 'pabaon', i don't feel excited anymore. In my mind i'm like, "What for?", "Why are you giving me money for no reason?", "What do you need from me?". I usually have that mindset, instead of the usual, "YES! Dagdag baon! (Additional allowance)"

I don't know. It doesn't give me the satisfaction I used to have back when I was younger. Every time i get the money it becomes really awkward for me. It makes me feel like a parasite. A person who's waiting for something. Maybe because I'm already 26 and I should be earning my own money instead of waiting for dole outs or giveaways from my relatives. That's why I feel this way. But I'm still a student. Does it make it a valid reason for me to keep on accepting? If it was goods like food, shoes, clothing, or something that's useful, it would have been different. I don't know.

If you want to tell me to just give it back or decline... I kind of tried it once and my relative's face was like questioning me why I don't want to accept it and they kind of felt insulted for some reason. And they kept on insisting me to take it so i take it and after that i dont really question them out loud. I question them inside my head but still accept the money. But I say thank you!

All the money I received today because I'm leaving tomorrow


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