Sunday, May 12, 2013

Happy Mother's Day

Posted by Unknown On Sunday, May 12, 2013 No comments
Today is Mother's Day. A day in a year to celebrate our appreciation to our mothers who took care of us, nurtured us, taught us and most of all loved us for who we are. So here's something from me to my mom to honor her motherhood on this day, her day.

Dear Mom,

It would be really monotonous if I say again the same things I said to you last year on Mother's Day. Now, let's start with a different tune. Recently, we had this incident that broke my heart to pieces. I'm pretty sure you know what that was. I'm hurting now (which is normal) and SHOULD be hating you for throwing me off the bus and not supporting me for that one thing I've always wanted in my life, but I couldn't hate you, mom, just for that one thing. Because thinking about it, there are a lot more reasons to love you than to hate you. You've been there for us since forever. That alone sums up everything. We don't have that perfect mother-son relationship we see on TV, we always quarrel all the time, you nag me non-stop, we argue about the things I know that you think you know better (hahaha), and a lot more, but I know you love me in your own way. I won't ask you anymore to hug me or kiss me or even ask me how my day went, because somehow, your presence alone is enough to make me feel secure; that I know someone's there for me.

I know I could be irritatingly annoying and stubborn but always remember that a fruit never falls far from the tree. I want to thank you for everything, for giving life to me, for taking care of me while I was growing, for teaching me stuff and a lot more, mom.  I want you to remember always that I love you, always and forever. Because even if I was given the chance to pick another mother, I would still pick you! Anytime! We may argue most of the time but that doesn't mean I love you less or I respect you less.. No mom! It just means that you raised a strong kid just like you.

Happy Mother's Day! I Love You!

We don't need mother's day to celebrate our moms. We have all year to do that. We should celebrate and honor our mom's all days of our lives. They deserve it. No matter what they do, they always care for you. They may show it differently than you want it, but you surely know that the bond did not stop after cutting the umbilical cord. There's more to it than that. 


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